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Collimator Accessories


If you are the proud owner of a high-quality Howie Glatter 2” single beam laser collimator but would like to collimate your primary mirror from the back of your Newtonian telescope without having to continually walk around to make sure that your adjustments are correctly made, then you need a Howie Glatter TuBLUG Newtonian Collimator - 2"! A matte-white 45 degree face and anti-reflection coated Barlow lens is mounted within its central axial hole. Once properly rotated so that the face of the cut-out is oriented towards you, the Howie Glatter TuBLUG is easily visible from the back of the scope!

For achieving the best views of the moon and planets with any telescope, we recommend that you do the final collimation procedure on a star, regardless of which collimation accessories that you choose. This will assure the sharpest images possible and allow you to discern details that would otherwise be invisible! We sell a full supply of Bob’s Knobs to make this task easier.